This is the landing page for all DID/OSDD/UDD System informational needs written and publicized by AstralPixelK9

This site was made BY A DISASSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER SYSTEM not a professional psychiatrist. However, All of the information is not only from personal experience but also the DSM-5. We've also worked with our therapist to bring you the best explanations possible.
This site is not meant to diagnose anybody, It's purely meant for educational purposes. If you relate to any information within this site, please consult a professional psychiatrist.

Please read ahead with caution and keep in mind this 'article' contains;

  • Trigger topics related to how system can be/is created and whom these actions are done by.

  • Scientific/Medical terms relating to heavy topics and imagery's.

  • Possible paranoia & switch triggers.

  • Talk about integration, final fusion & Functional multiplicity.

  • Common triggers such as; yelling/screaming/capslock, Sexual/Physical & Emotional abuse ect.

Do not press anyone into "Being themselves", Always remember if someone is acting a certain way for a long period of time around certain people, They may be masking due to feeling a lack of safety. Respect their decision & be a support structure/safe space if they feel comfortable enough with you to.

1. System Masking: A survival, defense & security strategy used by systems, consciously or unconsciously, to appear as a singlet in order to blend in and be more accepted in society & to avoid abusers getting defensive or violent.

2. Neurodiverget Masking: A suvival strategy used by some autistic people, consciously or unconsciously, to appear non-autistic in order to blend in and be more accepted in society.

There are times in which systems do not know who is in front. This can be brought on for two very distinct reasons, With two very simple labels.

1. Blendy (Positive Disclarity): Harmonized functionality caused by a sense of safety and connection to surroundings, Positive emotions are brought to the surface and can often cause a sense of "Cloud 9".

2. Blurry (Negative Disclarity): Disassociated derealization from several threats to the systems well-being & disconnection to surroundings all at once causing a system to not know who is in control or causing rapid switching and constant changes/shifts of emotion.

Another disclaimer: We haven't been doing very well mentally therefore this wording would have been shit without the help of friends & ChatGPT! If this offends you I'm sorry, I gave the AI my explanation and asked for rewording + expansion on this topic in order to get the point across in a understandable, mature way.

1. Collective Responsibility: Each alter within a DID system shares a common body and often a shared history. Therefore, actions taken by one alter can impact the entire system. This collective responsibility means that when one alter engages in behavior that has consequences, it affects all alters to some extent.

2. Internal Communication and Cooperation: Effective communication and cooperation among alters are essential for maintaining accountability within the system. Alters may need to work together to address the consequences of actions taken by any member of the system.

3. Shared Consequences: Punishment isn't necessarily the primary approach to accountability within a DID system. Instead, consequences may be shared among alters. For example, if one alter engages in behavior that leads to negative outcomes, such as conflict or distress, all alters may experience the emotional repercussions of those consequences.

4. Internal Regulation and Conflict Resolution: DID systems often develop internal mechanisms for regulating behavior and resolving conflicts. This can involve negotiation, compromise, and mutual support among alters to ensure accountability and promote the well-being of the entire system.

5. Therapeutic Support: Therapy plays a crucial role in helping DID systems navigate accountability issues. Therapeutic interventions can focus on building internal communication skills, fostering cooperation among alters, and developing healthy coping strategies for managing conflicts and addressing the consequences of actions.

This day & age it sure can seem like there's millions of people faking disorders just about every single corner you turn. Trauma-genic systems (DID/OSDD/UDD) are the only "Real" system types and it can be frustrating, heart breaking or even confusing when there's people claiming to be one of the following; Endo-Genic, Willo-Genic or Tulpa/Tupper systems.However, The reality is that DID/OSDD/UDD is often confusable and even misdiagnosed with other personality or delusion disorders and vise-versa. Within my years of system discovery/awareness & our diagnosis I've noticed a pattern with Endo-genics. Though they may believe they are trauma-free, It is the duty of a system to suppress memories of trauma in order to exist harmoniously & be a functional part of society. Even if one is aware they are a system they may or may not remember events that led to the brain staying separated & continuing to segment, which is completely valid since there is no way of being a system without trauma.Furthermore, One may believe they are a system but in reality they could have a completely different dissorder such as; BP, Flat out BPD, Schizophrenia or Extreme-Paranoia. Although becoming aware of whatever situation can be confusing for the person & their peers it is important to listen, empathize and be careful not to invalidate their experiences. Although it's seen as a privilege, It is important to get a proper evaluation & diagnosis done by a therapist before you publicly claim you have any sort of dissorder.Now for the grueling part of this conversation, You may have noticed we left out two other "System-types", Willo-Genic & Tulpa/Tupper. Both of these stem from the belief that one's self can willingly split their personality into fragments at any age without trauma to create a system which is beyond scientifically impossible. Most if not all people who believe in or claim to be Willo/Tulpa/Tupper lack a severe amount of empathy & are commonly banned from system-safe spaces.In conclusion, It is possible to fake having DID/OSDD/UDD however those who do may have a different personality dissorder or if they don't, They'll end up giving themselves one. If you're ever so curious about the after-effects of a true faker i encourage you to ask a professional physiatrist & Take people's claims with grains of salt.





A system is bodily one person who underwent repetitive childhood trauma which caused the brain to keep the personality states separate VIA amnesiac barriers. These amnesiac barriers cause and allow the personality fragments to take shape as their own people with their own: Memories, Personalities, Likes/Dislikes, Gender, Sexuality/Romantic and even preferences on bonds and friendships they create.These personality fragments are called "Alters" (Short for alternate states of personality).
However systems often refer to eachother as "Headmates".
As a misunderstood group of people, Systems have banded together over the last 10 years to create a healing, supportive & protective community along with a flag of their own to show pride for overcoming/persevering through the struggles that created them.

When you're first born up until about 6-8 years of age, Your brain is split into parts, These parts are your whole mental/personality. Each part is in charge of a different need; Emotional, Hunger, Survival ECT.If someone undergoes repetitive trauma between the ages of 6-8 that cause the flare up of Flight, Fight, Freeze or Fawn; The brain may keep the parts of their mental separated and even continue splitting the personalities up in order store & protect the original parts. The original parts are considered the core.Over time the core parts may dissipate or even integrate with eachother as new parts are split off and the system undergoes environmental & bodily changes as well as more trauma. Once a system starts splitting it's very difficult to stop it from doing so.
It's also been found that it's healthier to let a system live as a system in a method called "Functional multiplicity" (Therapy guided system communication and living) rather than attempting "Final fusion"(Therapy guided full integration).
Sometimes alters undergo too much stress or even become unnecessary over time and may integrate (Amnesia barriers break down and the alter combines with an alter of either the same role or even one of the core parts) or may just go dormant (Temporarily moved to a separate place within the headspace, Often in a coma-like state. However while an alter is dormant the body and system can continue functions as normal).

(Click the dark bars to reveal)

  • Emotional abuse »» People around attempting to frighten, control, or isolate you with manipulation tactics.

  • Physical abuse »» people around deliberately exhibiting aggressive or violent behavior that results in physical injury.

  • Sexual abuse »» People around deliberately forcing sexual behavior or acts upon you without your consent.


"Other specified dissociative dissorder"
Similar to DID But less part/No alters (1A) OR without amnesia (1B).


(Not a system type, Put this here to help distinguish)
General dissociation with or without depersonalization.


"Dissociative identity disorder"
Switching can be obvious or unrecognized with heavy amounts of disclarity. Amnesia can vary.


"Unidentified dissociative disorder"Dissociative dissorder with unclear symptoms.


Alters who are over 18 yrs of age


Alters between 14-18 yrs of age


Alters between 9-13 yrs of age


Alters between 1-8 yrs of age

1. Age sliding (System-Specific): Age-sliding is a system-specific phenomenon where an alter within a system's age will physically & even mentally within headspace, Occurring in trauma-holders most often. The purpose of age-sliding is to reflect the system's trauma-state & sense of safety. Although sometimes it can just singularly effect & reflect the age-sliders trauma-state.

2. Age regression (Anyone): Age regression is an 100% SFW coping mechanism that can happen to anyone, System or not. Age regression is caused by trauma & is the temporary process of a person's mind reverting to a child-like state to cope with trauma & overwhelming feelings. This is both voluntary and involuntary as well as either negative or positive. It can reduce stress but also just be a fun & nostalgic headspace for some people. It's highly common amongst people with autism or trauma-genic dissorders such as BP, BPD, DID/OSDD & UDD. Pet regression is the animalistic version which allows someone to fully disconnect from what's hurt them as a human being. Age-Dreaming is the in between state of "Big-Space" and Regressed-Space".


Headmates who are bipedal (using only two legs for walking) & either human or share share humanistic traits.


Headmates who are tetrapods/quadrupedal (using four legs for walking) or more who do not share humanistic traits.

Factive generate

Brain-made headmate that split from part of the core to cope & further separate trauma from the sensitive parts of the system.

Factive split

An alter who split from another already existent & active headmate to specifically cipher off & cope from that headmates trauma.

Fictive introject

Created when the system's trauma & role are the same as a media character's trauma & created it's own copy of them to cope through trauma-bonds.

Factive introject

Brain-made copy of a IRL person who made a large impact on the system, Either negativly or positivly.


System slang for unknown/Mixed origins!

Alters can have multiple roles, change roles, or even simply loose roles depending on the system's needs. Below are 3 categories systems roles have been separated into depending on their impact on systems or their healing journey.


Caretaking alters are a type of protector, they help manage and care for other alters (especially kid alters), and sometimes external people.
Caretaking alters lack awareness of self-care and become exhausted easy; they only have a limited role and have little capacity for play, exploration or socializing.

Bodily Caretaker

A Sub-Type of Caretakers/Soothers that specifically front to care for the body along side Medically tasked alters, Taking care of eating/drinking, bathing & sometimes exercise.

Medically tasked alter

An alter whos sole job is to tend to any injuries & get the attention of medical services or a outside-world guardian who can take them to a doctor or hospital.


An alter who is in charge of intervening during socail, emotional, physical or sexual threats to keep the rest of the system safe.
These alters may be on default fight mode. Meaning they are hyper-aware & super defensive.

Prosecuter/Internal Self-Helper

Prosectuers are the soft, squishy & more helpful version of a Persecutuer, Often times they are still an introject of a abuser but instead of doing exactly what the abuser does to teach the system, They try to explain from an "Outside perspective" (AKA the system's version of walking in that persons shoes) of how the system could better curve/avoid the outcomes from the prosecutor's source due to certain actions.Think of them as the "Child/Mix" between a protector and gate-keeper!A easy way to rememebr the difference is Pro(Good) Vs Per(Bad)


An alter that has the responsibility of sorting & storing information as well as outcomes of past issues and abuse. They will often intervein if an alter is doing something that will have a repeated result as something in the past.
They also have the responsibility of making sure all the alters stay out of parts of headsapce they aren't allowed/would trigger them.

Sexual alter


Core / Original fragment

These are parts of the system who came first & where most factive splits came from.


an alter who split from another alter to be a lighter version of them. Not necessarily acid nor alkaline, But can be a reminder of traumas.

Apparently normal parts (ANP)/Hosts

Alters who seem to be untraumatized, They may be a host & take care of daily duties or may even just front to mask other issues like physical or emotional pain.

Disabled alter

Alters that are disabled in headsapce when the person's body is not. For example a blind or mute alter may be created in response to an abuser's instructions, e.g. "Don't talk", "You didn't see anything", resulting in involuntary psychosomatic symptoms which come and go, rather than a permanent physical injury.

Twin alters

A Sub-Type of Pro/Persecutor, two alters of the same age who are normally opposites of each other in views and behaviors.

Persecutor/Chastiser/Abuser alter

An alter who re-establishes the message of an abuser to avoid the other alters being abused again.
Often times through the exact thing the abuser does.

Self-Harm/Internal Homicide

An alter who holds a lot of negative emotions, They may not even know what or why they are upset or hurt or feelign the heavy emotions that often lead to self-harm or being violent with other alters.

Demonic/Evil alters

Alters that are a type of spirit and supernatural alter but are not actually supernatural beings and may result from spiritual abuse and an abuser who blames the child for the abuse.

Dead alter

A Sub-Type of Trauma-Holder alter that's hidden from the rest of the system, often in a memory of a trauma in which they felt they were being killed. The child who survives a near-death experience may develop a "dead alter" to contain this experience.


An alter who is essentially storage for negative trauma. Often times trauma-holders will present as the exact age or even day that the trauma they hold started.

Psychotic Alter/Symptom-Holder

An alter who holds and exibits a lot of the symptoms from diagnosis' the system has. It can range from ADHD all the way to straight up Schizophrenia and addictions.


When an alter is in control of the conscious and body

Co- Conscious

When an alter has equal control of the conscious and body as the main front


when an alter does not have control over the conscious and body, They're instead just in the "Front room".

In Headspace

When a headmate is in the system's "Headspace" which is an internal world that is created and influenced by the systems real-world environment as well as their collective emotional states. When in headsapce they do not have control over the conscious and body.

Every system is different between how they function all the way to what boundaries they have set, so always keep in mind you may have to ask individual headmates for their boundaries & triggers.If you want to make plans with specific headmates we suggest making a plan of what you want to do & ask the headmate once they are front (AKA go with the front flow).
Keep notes on what you've done with which alter if it's emotionally impactful so special moments (Incredibly important for those who are dating systems) between you & headmates as individuals don't get confused.
Communicate anything and everything that has to do with them; Let them know if anyone in the system has hurt or upset you & place boundaries where necessary (That includes but is not limited to setting a DNI if needed).Look for "out of the box" solutions to problems if they arise, specifically for neurodivergents.
Remember; Patience, Patience, Patience especially with our need for reassurance.
Don't be afraid to take time and space (with communication) if needed.
Come up with a code word for switches and triggers that they can use & Ask for a list of each of the alters triggers if they're comfy with If. Also if they use PluralKit or Simply Plural; Add the bot to a server with them or ask for their username.If you're with people who are not system safe and the system in question wants to join, Please let them know so they don't feel like you're avoiding them.Give them small reminders or updates, Fill new fronts in on what the previous front was doing & Maybe even remind them to take their meds when you do :D
If you're good with kids, Offer to be a babysitter for system littles & age-regressors/sliders.

How do systems approach issue resolving & decision making?

Personally we have an internal democracy & some of our firends help hold polls, but other systems hold polls through discord or even apps like Simply Plural.

Can i ask systems how many alters they have?

It doesn't help you understand systems as a whole to ask this question, It can also be a very triggering topic for some systems. However, if you're a close friend of a system it can help to ask something more like "How many alters in your opinion or personal experience should i expect to meet from your system? Do they have a way of showing me their triggers so i can avoid them?"

How does gender work in a system?

Honestly most systems will vary; Some will collectively identify as one thing just to make it simple, Some are so headmate heavy with a certain gender identity that they collectively express themselves with it, while others might express they're gender identity individually!

Can headmates be a different Race/Ethnicicity?

While system core parts cannot split off headmates that are a different race/ethnicity of the body, Introjects have a small chance of being their source's race/ethnicity.

Can alters front on command?

Not really, The closest to having any fronting under control would be purposefully triggering out alters with a positive trigger media. Switches (especially rapid or forced) cause physical discomforts & can even hurt since it's literally neural pathways connecting to allow/disallow internal communication & memory. Most systems tend to just try and go with the flow. However, If an alter is already in front room we can metaphorically hand over the game controller to them and they can have FULL front.

Can switches take place while sleeping?

Absolutely, Ontop of that we can have different dreams depending on who's front! Switches can happen at any given time as long as there is a reason (Triggers; Negative or Positive).

Do headmates always get along?

Absolutely not! Though headmates share a body they all have their own personal; Morals, Likes/Dislikes, Boundaries & Emotions (additionally memories). Beside the normal socail situations similar to those the "Outside World" we also share spaces & belongings all the time meaning there's bound to be disagreements/difference in opinion or goals. It's not like " having little friends in your head all the time ", It's more like roommates you can't move away from.

Can headmates date eachother?

Yes! It's actually very common within systems although it may seem weird to others (Such as Singlets, those who don't have DID/OSDD/UDD) who's view is " That we're dating ourselves ". Headmates make socail connections in headspace similar to how singlets do in the "Outside World".